Installing PowerShell from stack8-console

Installing PowerShell from stack8-console

Complete this process before configuring the PowerShell API account from the Microsoft PowerShell Management page in SMACS.

Before proceeding with the PowerShell installation process, ensure the SMACS machine has internet access (it will need to reach both the Ubuntu Repository and Snapcraft).

  1. Login to the stack8-console using the s8admin account[1].

  2. Go to Install/Upgrade Applications

  3. Select PowerShell LTS

  4. Type “Y” to initiate the installation of PowerShell.

  5. Wait for the installation to complete successfully. (Note that the console must be kept open until the installation process is completed).


[1] The password for this account is $tack8 when SMACS is initially deployed, but it should have been updated by your organization and stored internally during the SMACS deployment.