How to Create Service Account for UCCX Provisioning
Before provisioning agents in ZPC, you will need to add your UCCX server in ZPC configuration. To do so, you will also need to provide the username and password of a service account that has administrative access to UCCX. The best way to perform this is to create the account in CUCM, here’s how:
Log into CUCM and go to User Management > End User
Click “Add New”
Enter a UserID and a password and write them down, we’ll need them later
Enter a meaningful name in the “Last name” field
Click “Save”
Click on “Edit Credential”
Validate the configuration:
User Cannot Change should be unchecked
User Must Change at Next Login should be unchecked
Does Not Expire should be checked
Click “Save”
Log into UCCX and go to Tools > User Management > User View
Search for the user created at step 3 and click on its name
Scroll down to “Capabilities” and click on “Administrator” under “Available Capabilities” and move it to “Selected Capabilities”
Click “Update”
And that’s it! The account is created. Go back to ZPC to add the UCCX server and its service account.